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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best east coast hockey shop for skate selection

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I want to travel to a well-stocked hockey store and purchase some new inline skates.  But I need a store with a wide selection so I can try on the different makes and models.  I also would like to have a competent sales person measure my feet for the best fit. I am in Atlanta and am willing to fly anywhere from the midwest to the east coast.  Who has the best stock of senior inline skates? Is it one of the Hockey Giant stores? 

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I was impressed by the selection at JR's Total Hockey in Troy, MI was very impressive when I visited. It's now a Pure Hockey, but JR still manages the store and you couldn't ask for a more knowledgeable fitter. Perani's in Livonia also has a pretty good selection of skates - I have no experience with getting fit by them though. 



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West Side Skate and Stick in NYC . I have not been there yet . Every thing I have heard about the place  is great.  I did email back and forth asking questions about the new custom skate from true hockey.  This  skate may be exactlywhat you want

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My store doesn't carry Alkali or many of the CCM inlines, but we're well stocked with Bauer, Mission and Tour inlines. I'm the Assistant Manager at the Pure Hockey in Cherry Hill, NJ (about 5 miles or so outside of Philadelphia). Any questions, shoot me a PM. I'd be glad to help.

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