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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Jersey Brands and quality

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Hey guys

Im currently looking into getting some custom jerseys made.  I have already read several other posts about who does good custom work  but I haven't found too much on the jerseys themselves.  I live in Ontario Canada and we have several custom jersey places around here.  Most of them use Jerseys made by AK, Kobe, Xcell.  Im looking for a good quality jersey (affordable) which breaths well and isn't too heavy.  Hoping to find the best bang for buck jerseys and then ill look into the custom logs and such.  Im wondering which jerseys brands/models you guys think are best? and why?  

What do you think of Bauer 900 series jerseys?



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If you want a generic jersey with a logo put on I love the Bauer stuff but I think it’s becoming harder to find. 

If you want full custom, my go-to is Rebirth Sports. Happy to DM you if you want more info or to see photos and such.

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One of my local shops thinks they can get Bauer 900 stuff on clearance price so Im thinking it might be my best bet.  I normally like to see stuff before I buy it and thats why I was asking about it before.  It has 37.5 apparently so Im thinking it must be pretty nice to wear.

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900 Series are nice shirts.  Not necessarily the lightest jersey out there.  They were used for the 12 annual WinterFest Event.  There are pictures from that event in the gallery.

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AK makes a decent jersey. Their import stuff is pretty reasonable, think offer a higher quality version that made in Canada.

Ive been using homegrownsportinggoods.com for some of my AK stuff. So far nothing custom from them though.

The Bauer 900 is very good stuff. 

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