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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rebaking used one-piece skates

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I like to buy used skates. I can't get myself to spend 1k on new top of the lines. 

Skates are now being made in a one-piece boot (specifically CCM super tacks and the now defunct Easton Mako )

Can these skates be rebaked and remolded since the whole boot is supposed to be form fitting ?

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I baked my Makos after finding them at Play it Again Sports. It improved the fit significantly.  I don’t see a reason not to unless they already fit you like a slipper. 

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I was told that my Bauer Supreme 160 skates, and other bakeable Bauer skates, could be baked a couple of times. The people who told me this had visited Bauer in I think Germany and spoken to their staff. The safest approach is to contact the manufacturer. 

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Yeah i've repeatedly that bauer's can be rebaked a couple times, and have done so with my current MX3s, but specifically the question is about the one piece boots. (Bauer doesn't have yet)

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Yeah that’s why I said contact the manufacturer. I only got accurate info about Bauer’s by speaking to people who’d dealt directly with the manufacturer, other shops told me one bake only. 

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I have re-baked my Mako II's when I switched insoles, and they seem no worse for wear.

22 hours ago, yrhmblnr8r said:

I baked my Makos after finding them at Play it Again Sports. It improved the fit significantly.  I don’t see a reason not to unless they already fit you like a slipper. 

Same for me, I found a spare pair on the webs and baked them, too.

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20 hours ago, Leif said:

Yeah that’s why I said contact the manufacturer. I only got accurate info about Bauer’s by speaking to people who’d dealt directly with the manufacturer, other shops told me one bake only

That's probably a left-over from back when skates were only baked to help them break in, as opposed to modern skates that are baked to mold them to your foot. 

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