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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with glove fit?

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My Easton Pro 7 gloves are around 3 years old and have always been somewhat loose, (which I figured was normal at the time); but with the wear I've put on them, especially both palm layers, it now feels like they're an impediment on my shooting and stick handling, not that I'm great at either in the first place. My fingers constantly move in the stalls, the backhand is somewhat loose, and the cuff is way too open. 


I went to my local Pure Hockey over the weekend and tried on some gloves. 13 inch Supremes and Tacks (which I thought would be an ideal fit) felt a little too loose all around, but were constrictive in a 12 inch. I couldn't find a pair of Vapors or Coverts in a 13, but I put on an Alpha QX in a 12 and it was good in the fingers and less loose in the backhand, but I felt like there was no cuff at all and that my wrists were flying around when I tried to roll them. I understand that it's meant to allow movement, but I'd like something a little tighter, especially in the cuff, but I'm unsure what to try, because Vapors / Stealths / Coverts would open up too much in the backhand, at least in theory. Nexus gloves would be too wide.


TLDR: My old, ill fitting gloves need to be replaced and I've already shot down all my options because I'm difficult, can't afford customs, not that I think they'd be different.

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I've found the Covert QRLs to fit tightly.  Particularly the QRL Pro and full QRL, but even the QRL3 has a snug fit to me despite not having the floating cuff.  QRL Pros are apparently no longer MAP protected either, so HockeyMonkey (for instance) will let you put their clearance codes on them.

I did a review on them in the review section, if you want more impressions from me.  I like them the best out of any of the gloves I've used.

edit:  Comparing in the store, I would say the Covert QRL's are a decent bit tighter than the Vapors.  You really should try on a pair.  I'd be quite surprised if you thought they were too open in the backhand.


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37 minutes ago, marka said:


I've found the Covert QRLs to fit tightly.  Particularly the QRL Pro and full QRL, but even the QRL3 has a snug fit to me despite not having the floating cuff.  QRL Pros are apparently no longer MAP protected either, so HockeyMonkey (for instance) will let you put their clearance codes on them.

I did a review on them in the review section, if you want more impressions from me.  I like them the best out of any of the gloves I've used.

edit:  Comparing in the store, I would say the Covert QRL's are a decent bit tighter than the Vapors.  You really should try on a pair.  I'd be quite surprised if you thought they were too open in the backhand.


Sounds good - I'll give them a shot in store when I can, but that won't be for a few weeks in all likelihood. The extra 15% is great as well.

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I'd worry less about the "in theory" comment you made. Trying on gloves is pretty easy, and you can fly through a fitting. Just hang them back up correctly! 

I've worn supremes a while, but I'm currently in quicklights and like them a lot. I think 290s? Snug on the hand without being restrictive. Palm wear has been fine, no issues. After 6 months, some stitching came out on a pinky, but nothing that effects anything. I passed on the 30Ks, which had a similar fit, but $20 cheaper,  because the extra layer on the palm felt slick on sticks, even ones with grip. 

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