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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Needed: Graf Attack Runners 280mm

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In need of Graf Attack 280mm runners....anywhere in the US still have them?  Called the LHS and their recommendations. Nothing online.  I live hours away from a full service hockey shop so it isn't simple just to change holders.  Would like to exhaustively search before making a drive.

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3 hours ago, Lawnyo said:

In need of Graf Attack 280mm runners....anywhere in the US still have them?  Called the LHS and their recommendations. Nothing online.  I live hours away from a full service hockey shop so it isn't simple just to change holders.  Would like to exhaustively search before making a drive.


I'd post here to keep things in their appropriate place(s).

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6 hours ago, Lawnyo said:

In need of Graf Attack 280mm runners....anywhere in the US still have them?  Called the LHS and their recommendations. Nothing online.  I live hours away from a full service hockey shop so it isn't simple just to change holders.  Would like to exhaustively search before making a drive.

Look at hockey monkey clearance.  I could swear I saw them on there  .    Hockey monkey has a pair of 288 with steel for $90 in clearance.  Call West Side skate and stick he has Graff 

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