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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer discontinuing Supreme?

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1 hour ago, adam14 said:

Team sales are an absolute gold mine for LHS' because most of the time the OEM dont eant to deal with the headache. 

Except Warrior. They're going direct with everyone they can now. Don't blame them though a bit. Their product is good, sells really well (except helmets) for us, its just that they're still #3 in volume sales for sticks, protective, and without skates its pretty much impossible for any store to write a 100K booking order.

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A post above talked about CCM versus Bauer. I used to be in all Bauer... helmet, sticks, skates, etc. etc., except shoulder pads. It started with shin pads, then pants, then gloves, and now I'm in everything CCM minus skates. I like the fit and feel of CCM equipment, and I especially like how clean and simple a lot of their gear is. Bauer is so flashy with their odd retail color schemes and what I call "reflective" pants. Maybe I'm old school.

I agree that manufacturers need to streamline their stick and skate lines into different price points, instead of being all over the map. Prices are outrageous at retail when you can get pro stock sticks from various sites for $100-200 less.

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They have just released supreme 2S. They are about to shrink down supreme line to 3 moleds only, but definitely not to discontunie it. They go with 3 lines up to 2021 for sure. Today I attended a bauer event.

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On 6/8/2018 at 1:23 AM, raganblink said:

Must be a little different in Russia because it is 2S Pro, 2S, S29, S27, S25 (5 models). 

I mentioned the sticks, sorry I didn't specify. As for skates yes, 5 models. Supreme is on till 2021 at least )

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