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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1X 2016 Outsole

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Got these skates a couple years ago and noticed something funny going out with my outsole when I got a sharpening. Looks like the outsole is cracking and starting to separate from the boot. Not really impressed with the quality of Bauer's products these days, 1X Lite, 1S stick, now these skates. Coming from One95s, which I had for a good 7 years, to these, starting to really turn me off from Bauer. I've been mostly away from around here / gear industry for a while so I'm not completely up to date on what's happening these days. Is this a pretty common issue with the 1X skates and can anything be done to repair or are these fubar?




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The holders are chipped.  Obviously you kept on hitting it there.  It's not an "issue."

You put those skates through the ringer.  It happens.

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23 hours ago, JR Boucicaut said:

The holders are chipped.  Obviously you kept on hitting it there.  It's not an "issue."

You put those skates through the ringer.  It happens.


The holders don't look that bad to me in the pics. I think in the second pic he's pulling down a layer of the composite outsole that is flaking off, and the edge of it makes it look like the holder is chipped. I don't think it is.

Skates don't last 5+ years anymore. I was able to get all 3+ years of highschool/midget hockey and several years of rec hockey after that out of a pair of Daoust 501's. Now my son can't get more than one season out of a pair of top end skates.



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8 hours ago, colins said:

Skates don't last 5+ years anymore. I was able to get all 3+ years of highschool/midget hockey and several years of rec hockey after that out of a pair of Daoust 501's. Now my son can't get more than one season out of a pair of top end skates.



I went to a family owned store that does a good amount of trade in business and their adult size inventory was almost non-existent.  They said these days the skates they get for trade in are rarely in good enough condition to resell. 

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On 5/31/2018 at 2:05 PM, CTB said:

I went to a family owned store that does a good amount of trade in business and their adult size inventory was almost non-existent.  They said these days the skates they get for trade in are rarely in good enough condition to resell. 

There are many skates that I have owned, none of them Bauer, that have looked nearly new for a long period of time despite being used heavily. I think the major changes to composite boots and such which eliminated leather/pleather and other pliable materials have made the boots stiffer but they also break down faster too. My True, Graf, and Mako II skates still look excellent. 

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