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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer with Speedblades

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Are Bauers with Speedblades unheard of?

The reason why I ask is I'm going to FINALLY be getting a new pair of Nexus when they release. Even though I've been skating on Ribcor 68ks for the last 2 years, and they are great, they still have an odd fit. 

I've skated with Edge holder before, and I absolutely hated them. But these SB 4s, I definitely do like. 

Has anyone ever seen Bauers out in the wild with SBs on them?

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I haven't as it's usually the other way around. It's not uncommon to see CCM skates with LS Edge holders on them, particularly in the NHL. I would be curious how they would fit on Bauer skates with how the rivet holes line up and if you need to put a shim in between them due to how high of an arch the Nexus skates have.

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9 hours ago, Siponarius said:

Are Bauers with Speedblades unheard of?

The reason why I ask is I'm going to FINALLY be getting a new pair of Nexus when they release. Even though I've been skating on Ribcor 68ks for the last 2 years, and they are great, they still have an odd fit. 

I've skated with Edge holder before, and I absolutely hated them. But these SB 4s, I definitely do like. 

Has anyone ever seen Bauers out in the wild with SBs on them?

I've seen it -- it's rare, but hey. Do what works for you. The rivet holes line up, but the size labels are slightly different. My Tuuks are 296, but the SB4.0s are stamped as 295.

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