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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New member question

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Hello, new member here. Just getting back into hockey after a number of years off. Strictly beer rec league. Anyway, had to buy some new equipment, and went into my local pure hockey looking to just get some entry level pads, only to realize that they did not feel comfortable at all. Tried on some higher level stuff just for sizing and found that the better gear fit better, felt better, and was more comfortable. I ended up buying the better gear, not cause I needed the extra protection, but mainly cause it just felt better. Anyone else feel like this is the case with protective gear?

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Yes, you pay for what you get and generally more and better quality padding will give you a more adaptable fit.

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I would agree as well. The higher end stuff has a greater focus on mobility & comfort.

There is a sweet spot though in terms of value. One or two clicks below the top of the line usually offer the best bang for the buck. You'll hear that a lot around here.

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Completely agree with @stick9. I stick to one level above the bottom for some things (pants, shoulder pads) and go with one or two levels below the top for elbows and shins. The last shins I bought were top of the line Makos and they were worth every penny with the level of comfort if I fell. I haven't found anything for my elbows nearly as comfortable as the old Warrior Projekt I have stockpiled, though I haven't been to a store to try on player stuff in 2-3 years at this point. 

There are people who will chirp for wearing top of the line gear, but screw them. Comfort and protection are all that matters. 

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