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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trigger ASY or Trigger2 PMT blade cracking?

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Picked up a Trigger2 PMT last September and 2 games in I saw a chip/cracking at the bottom of the hosel but couldn’t tell if it was structural or cosmetic. Either case I didn’t notice a flex in twisting the blade, still solid... this was a TR2 Build (real Trigger2). Just picked up 2 Trigger2 pro stocks in the same specs but the sticker said “TR1” so it’s a Trigger ASY dresses as Trigger2s but I waited so long for them to show up that I didn’t care about durability. 2 games in and the SAME thing in the SAME spot without taking a slash in the spot either time. On its way out? Or just coincidence?



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I had 2 Trigger ASY's and they both had those same cracks, they didn't effect much and once the blades started cracking and splitting I didn't even pay attention to them.  The sticks lasted a good time once the blades were cracking/splitting but both eventually snapped a little higher up on the hosel area.  I now have a pair of Trigger 2's that I've played a few games with and, so far so good, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed hoping they're more durable.

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