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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

The new STX Surgeon RX3 gear is out.

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:52 AM, bl4 said:

Am I missing something, or does the customer pay for shipping costs for traditional returns as well as the 14-day guarantee?  The site mentions a "full refund," but STX doesn't seem to provide a shipping label.  Thanks! 

I believe the sale precluded the 14 day free demo.  I had to pay my own shipping, but you can reclaim the fee through PayPal if you purchased using that. 

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On 9/4/2021 at 12:38 PM, bl4 said:


Shoulders: These were the big disappointment for me.  I was hoping for something a bit more protective than 5030s or one of the "classic" pads, but that still was light, comfortable, and flexible. They were light and relatively low-profile, but I didn't find them particularly comfortable or flexible. Something about the way the shoulder caps were attached made it uncomfortable for me to raise my arms.



I picked up the RX3 shoulder pads last year during a covid sale (when I thought it would just be a short time before I played again🤣), after them sitting around for almost a year I tried them 3 or 4 times and just didn't care for them... they were plenty protective, light weight and relatively low profile but they just didn't stay in place at all.  I found myself constantly re-adjusting them no matter how tight or loose I made the chest straps.  Not sure if it was the design with the shoulder caps/bicep pads that would pull the chest section or what but I couldn't stand it.  I went back to my old RBZ130's and then found a deal on a pair of NOS CL's which I have since swapped the shoulder caps on in favor of the RBZ130 caps from my old ones (the CL caps felt huge). 

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