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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Recommendations

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Im an adult looking to start playing hockey after being a big fan for several years now. Ive got some cheap equipment like skates and gloves but cant find a decent stick. Im on a tight budget so the cheaper the better. I dont need anything crazy, just something to practice and use whenever im on the ice. Ive heard wood isnt too bad. I also have seen some stuff about ABS/Carbon Fiber blades. I know abs blades arent very strong, but these “hybrid” abs sticks can be used on ice. Any advice is appreciated. Just would like to know about come cheap options or places to find cheap sticks

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Save yourself the hassle and just go wood, like a Sher-Wood PMP5030. You aren't in a position to really tell the difference. Most of us over the age of 35 used a 5030 at some point. 

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With the technology and manufacturing processes used nowadays, any big brand stick will be great, no matter the price. Just go to your LHS and browse the clearance rack for bauer, ccm, easton, and warrior sticks. Also look online.

Sometimes you can find composite sticks for less than wood.

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