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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Manufacturers stick length

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I've been using uncut Easton intermediate sticks. I recently purchased a new Bauer intermediate and upon delivery discovered it was several inches shorter than my Eastons, rendering it unsuitable for use.

So, obviously there is no industry standard stick length. Is there a chart which lists the varying length of sticks  between manufacturer's?

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54 minutes ago, Amazinmets73 said:

I've been using uncut Easton intermediate sticks. I recently purchased a new Bauer intermediate and upon delivery discovered it was several inches shorter than my Eastons, rendering it unsuitable for use.

So, obviously there is no industry standard stick length. Is there a chart which lists the varying length of sticks  between manufacturer's?

Easton were a bit different, their intermediate stick length was close to their senior stick length. Today most intermediates are 57" but it depends on the manufacturer and model, top end sticks often come in 2 or 3 different lengths depending on flex and offerings. Whilst I haven't found a website dedicated to comparing stick lengths you can find the lengths on most online retailer sites, for example Ice Warehouse lists the stick lengths.

But this isn't to say your stick is useless, buy a butt extender. The A&R are dirt cheap at $2.99 but you may need some glue to get them to stay in. Or you can buy a Bauer one for $14.99 (IW prices). Your choice if you want a wooden end (I find it helps to dampen the vibration in the stick and makes the blade feel slightly less heavy) or a composite which is pretty neutral in how it changes the feel of the stick.

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If you goto the ice warehouse website, they list the length of all their sticks there. Not alway 100% accurate, but from my experience, at worst only off by an inch.

Otherwise, as mentioned, use an extension. Unless it's an insanely long extension, there won't be much of a difference in feel, especially if you use a composite one.


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On 11/7/2018 at 4:39 PM, Vet88 said:

Easton were a bit different, their intermediate stick length was close to their senior stick length. Today most intermediates are 57" but it depends on the manufacturer and model, top end sticks often come in 2 or 3 different lengths depending on flex and offerings. Whilst I haven't found a website dedicated to comparing stick lengths you can find the lengths on most online retailer sites, for example Ice Warehouse lists the stick lengths.

But this isn't to say your stick is useless, buy a butt extender. The A&R are dirt cheap at $2.99 but you may need some glue to get them to stay in. Or you can buy a Bauer one for $14.99 (IW prices). Your choice if you want a wooden end (I find it helps to dampen the vibration in the stick and makes the blade feel slightly less heavy) or a composite which is pretty neutral in how it changes the feel of the stick.

Do you need a specific extender for an intermediate shaft? 

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I've only found junior or senior. So I always buy the senior wooden and use a bit of sandpaper to get it to fit. If you want a composite end use a junior and lots of glue. 

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