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Warrior and Bauer Glove Size Comparison

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Hey everyone, I wanted to see if anyone has any insight into how similar or off glove sizes are between Warrior and Bauer. For example, I wear 15" Bauers, are Warriors 15" pretty much the same size/coverage or is are there any weird tweaks?

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

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Size wise, I don't notice a difference (I have and use both on a regualr basis). Overall fit wise there will be differences between models, i.e. the QRL fits tighter than a Nexus.

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11 minutes ago, stick9 said:

Size wise, I don't notice a difference (I have and use both on a tegualr basis). Overall fit wise there will be differences between models, i.e. the QRL fits tighter than a Nexus.

Thanks for the reply. When you mean tighter, do you mean more in the cuff or in the palm/fingers?

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Vapors and Covert QRE 3/4/5- Tapered Fit- snug in the fingers and backhand, opening up for a looser fit in the cuff.

Supreme and Covert QRE/QRE Pro- Contoured Fit-  snug fit in the fingers, backhand, and cuff.

Nexus and Alpha- Traditional Fit- volume in the fingers, backhand and cuff.

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25 minutes ago, penguinpelts said:

Thanks for the reply. When you mean tighter, do you mean more in the cuff or in the palm/fingers?

Fingers/palms for sure.

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I currently wear warrior dynasty ax2 gloves. They are a size 13 but fit like most other brand 14". Their covert line always fit true to size in my experience

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