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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ft1 shin guards

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Anyone else who owns these find the top (lock fit) strap super long? I know I have skinny calves but I've never had shin guards where the top strap came all the way to the edge where there's almost no Velcro. Otherwise I really like these but I'm gonna have to add Velcro to the strap ... I came from Bauer pro series and this wasn't an issue. 

I wish the top strap was adjustable like the bottom. 

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I have the same issue. I really like the FT1 shins overall though. I thought about folding over a small section on top of itself  and sewing it. 

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I have the Qlt 290s with the same problem. Also, stitching started coming out everywhere about 6 months in. I can resew them easy, but it’s annoying. 

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I ended up using 3m industrial Velcro and stuck an extension of the loop part on the shin guard. Also stitched additional hook Velcro on the strap itself. It's odd the loop Velcro only goes as far as about half of the shin guard. Needs to be redesigned for sure. Even their super tacks has Velcro running all the way across. 

I was going to fold and sew as that would've worked too but decided to go this way for now. Yes it's an easy fix but annoying to have to do it. 


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