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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nexus Boot Last

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Finally have the skates of my dreams. Picked up a pair of. Zeus Havoks (upgraded n2900), and they are beauties. 

So I was like, I need pond skates, cause I don’t want to trash my game ones. I find a pair of Nexus 6000s, same size, and they were the same price point back in the day.  

When i try to skate in them, they hurt. A lot. Tight in the ankle, and cramped in the toe box, which isn’t the case in my havoks. 

question is: did they change the last in the last 4 years? Because I was under the impression they hadn’t. And if they did, should I just ditch these backup pond skates now 

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I was the opposite. I bought a pair of Nexus 5000s when I got back in the game a few years ago. The fit for me was perfect, far better than the Supreme's and Vapors I also tried on. 

So when they started to wear out, I knew the Nexus line was my best bet. The next Gen of the line was just going on clearance, so at my LHS I tried on a bunch of different price points all the way up to the 1N. And none of them felt good, pressure points in a bunch of different spots. 

So I ended up buying a pair of Nexus 7000s from the previous gen (and same gen as my 5000s and the 6000s you have). 

To me, there was a big difference between the 5000/6000/7000 line that I stuck with and the n2700/n2900/1N line that you originally had. 

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