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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Shooting Tiles?

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I am planning on buying some HockeyShot tiles for the driveway.  I was leaning toward the Synthetic Ice tiles vs the regular Dryland All-star tiles not so much to work on skating but just to be able to wear skates when we shoot and mess around.  A couple of questions:

1) if i am not worried about skating could i just wear skates on the regular tiles?

2) if i need the synthetic ice tiles, are the thicker ones more stable (by that i mean heavier, flatter regardless of the surface underneath)?  (Doesnt look like it as they only seem to be 1/32” thicker than the regular ones)

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I've got the old style Hockeyshot dry land tiles. I've been really happy with them. However, if were to buy them again today I would get the tiles you can skate. It's my understanding that you shouldn't even stand on the regular tiles with you skate because you will cut up the tile.

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I have the HS All-Star tiles and think they are great.  With that said, they are not meant for skates (though you could put on guards or use inline skates if you're trying to simulate on-ice height) as you'll rough up the surface and ruin the glide.  If the extra cost is of little concern to you, I would get the synthetic ice tiles, as that will give you the better effect you'll want with skates.

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Yeah, basically want to keep the same height and feel, use the same length stick, etc.  Will probably get some skating ones and then add a few at a time here and there.

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