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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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STX HPR stallion stick.

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Interested as well.  Could be my next stick... I just got stx elbows and out the box they are great.  Also spoke with customer service.  They were responsive.

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I have a 75 flex. It feels like it plays stiffer than that, but still usable. I didn’t like it much the first few times I used it because of that. Despite being brand new, it was relegated to a back up stick, until my qx3 broke unexpectedly. 

It helped me to sit and shoot on an empty net with it so I could feel how it flexed and shot. Wrist shots and slap shots are decent. I like midkicks better than low kicks, so I don’t feel like there’s a lag on the release. Passes are crisp and accurate. 

Shaft is boxy, which I like. 

Blade is stiff and feel is fine. They make a big deal out of the forhand and backhand being different types of carbon, but I don’t notice a difference at all. Weight and balance are good. I don’t count grams, and I’m more concerned that it doesn’t fee blade heavy.

Its not my favorite stick ever, but I don’t dislike it by any stretch. I had a Stallion 500 and liked the flex on that better. That felt smoother and easier. 

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