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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Wicked Light

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Looking for a pair of Mission Wicked Light Vibes. Fell in love with these skates as a kid and would love to get my hands on a pair of them for a reasonable price. Need size 10.5-11.5. Probably a long shot but saw some posts on here from a few years ago so thought I would try!

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I have a pair of size 11 wicked light 1s(remake version).

Near new, bought them off a friend 12 years ago after he barely used them but they were too big so I never used them either.

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I have a pair of the old 3 fingered Wicked Lite gloves from back in the day and a pair or two of the old VSi skates, but no Wicket Lite skates.  

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3 hours ago, jpeaslee said:

I have a pair of the old 3 fingered Wicked Lite gloves from back in the day and a pair or two of the old VSi skates, but no Wicket Lite skates.  

Any pics of the VSI’s?

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1 hour ago, Tcaldwell05 said:

Any pics of the VSI’s?

Not currently.  They're in storage, but I can probably get some next time I run by there.  They're a size 12 or 13 though (this was when they did actual shoe sizes).

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10 minutes ago, jpeaslee said:

Not currently.  They're in storage, but I can probably get some next time I run by there.  They're a size 12 or 13 though (this was when they did actual shoe sizes).

That would be awesome man! I appreciate it

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When you say Wicked Light Vibes you mean the ones with the 'ViBE' chassis on it that had the springs on the front and back wheel to move them up and down to give sort of a rocker feel?
If that is the case, and I hate to crap on your inner childs amazement of these skates but, this chassis was probably one of the worst designs to ever grace an inline skate. First they were heavy, I mean really heavy...for as light as the Wicked light were the chassis was pretty much a concrete block on the boot. Also the round cannisters that held the springs were bulky, what do I mean? You could be making a turn, not an overly aggressive one, but just be turning and then you would hit one of those cannisters against the floor and fall over. And then there were the axles, there wasn't enough Loctite in the world to hold the axle where the springs were and then you'd tighten the axle and the wheels wouldn't spin there. Great in theory, horrible in design and execution.

Now if you're just looking for the original Wicked Light skate, yeah that was a great boot. Might've been ahead of its time with the carbon and baking the skate. 

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I had the original 1st edition vsi.  I wore them until they fell off my feet.  Then got a pair of the proto vsi with vibe chasis.  Talk about heavy... everything above was true about those horrid frames.  The boot was way ahead of its time.  Super stiff.  I'm still not a fan of super stiff boots.

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