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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Insole problem

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I took five years off, had a kid...  Thank you...

Been back for about a month and I think the arch on one skate is a bit to high.  It hurts for a bit then goes away.  My insoles are old,  I think they are SIDA or something like that.  I remember them making my stand in a sandbox while they heat fitted them to my feet...

Anyone else go through this.  Was thinking of getting the superfeet comfort insole.  Just wondering what other people might know on the matter.


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Superfeet Yellow or Carbon are great, I've had the Carbon Pro for the past 4 or so years in 2 skates and love them.  CCM has a new line of insoles called Orthomove I believe, they're similar to the SF Yellow but have 2 or 3 different arch height adjustments (basically an attachment to the arch area to raise it various degrees), I've heard the quality is equal to SF but the adjustable arch option might be good for you to find the right fit.

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