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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Bauer Re-Akt 200 Helmet Fit Plate Bake at Home

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I got a great deal on the Bauer Re-Akt 200 Helmet online, fits great.

I know it is optional, but curious if i can bake the fit plate at home? the helmet dosen't come with much instructions on the baking process just the amount of time to put it in a Bauer oven.

Has anyone done this? can it be done at home? if so how?


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On 10/30/2019 at 9:02 PM, SkateWorksPNW said:

Take it out, put it in the convection oven for 3 min on a cookie sheet, put it in the helmet, put the helmet on, wait for it to cool.

at what temperature 170?

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On 10/30/2019 at 5:02 PM, SkateWorksPNW said:

Take it out, put it in the convection oven for 3 min on a cookie sheet, put it in the helmet, put the helmet on, wait for it to cool.

important step left out is there’s a foam spacer that’s inserted between fit plate and back of helmet, after you bake fit plate and insert it back into helmet you put the space in and then wear it, the spacer is what makes the fit plate mold to back of head better, when I bought my 200 at pure hockey they didn’t use spacer in store and plate didn’t do much then when I got home and read instructions I rebaked it’s the proper way and a much better fit. After you’re done molding you take spacer out and now the fit plate stays tight to back of head.

Edited by sbecks72986

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