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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Hand placement with flex profile

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So I like to shoot with my hands in stickhandling position and don't like to slide my bottom hand down for wrist or snap shots. Are there any sticks that work better for this type of shooting style?  I  also play defense so I would like something that is decent on slappers.  Thanks. 

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13 minutes ago, asgoodasdead said:

get a whippy stick with a mid-kick point

Any difference you think between a "mid kick" that is higher like say a supreme vs a more true mid like a nexus?

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I generally stick handle with my lower hand around the same area when I shoot wrist and snap, bottom hand about quarter down from the top. From the pics I've seen this is about on par with most ppl 

Never had to tinker with flex profiles for that. Slap shots however, I found low kick sticks I had to have my bottom hand lower. My bottom hand is actually pretty low for slap shots regardless, it's lower than the mid point of the stick. 

Edited by Sniper9

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