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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cracked the steel on my Bauer 8090's

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It has nothing to do with a bad sharpening, and it is a bad idea to try and return your steel based on this idea. If you call a shop and tell them they do a bad job, they are not going to have any motivation to help you (even if they did a bad job).

Do not use a cold towel on the steel. If by chance you overheat a blade when sharpening or profiling the only thing that should be done is to let the air temperature cool the blade naturally.

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I just called Bauer and explained the situation to them, they said that it was wrong for the store to take my money and they should have replaced them for free. So Bauer told me to call back the shop and tell them I should be reimbursed for the 50 bucks I spent and if there is a problem I just call Bauer back and they'll take care of it :D.

Man, I love Bauer, really easy to deal with and they're great people.

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The store won't reimburse me for the $50 it cost to replace the steel so I called Bauer back and they said it was no problem at all and that a check will be sent to me tomorrow... awesome!

Bauer is great, very pleasent and very easy to deal with, much better than CCM and Graf as far as customer service goes.

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I would never recommend telling a store that the broken blade was their fault for a bad sharpening. Just have them replace the steel under warranty and take to a different qualified shop to have them sharpened. If a store employee doesn't know what they are doing, they shouldn't be sharpening skates.

And YES, overheating does alter the strength of the steel. Do some research. A great place to start is the "Machine and Tool Blue Book".

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that is the same exact spot that cracked on my vapor XV's(not buying XXX's till feet stop growing) so anyways i think a lot of other people's blades broke on ALL bauer skates according to my LHS

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Sorry brought up an old topic but my 8090's did that to in exactly the same place but i didnt notice anything at all till i was in the changing room

-Just to let you know

EDIT My lhs is ording in some new 272 LS's for me so does that definatly mean they are not dodgy steel?

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