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Patellar Dislocation

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Well, my season is done........today in my game, I got a knee to knee hit, and turns out I dislocated the patellar bone, and I am done hockey for 6-8 weeks, may need surgery, which I will find out on Wednesday and I have a full leg mobilizer and crutches....has anyone else had this problem??? And what did you do to keep you from going insane becuase I think I am going to...

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dang, i think i am gonna go crazy.......being six weeks without hockey, and possibly surgery, i just cant think of it....

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I went almost 2 seasons dude. Arthro on my shoulder. Finally starting to feel good out there, not awkward or behind....back to back tricks the last 2 games.

What you have to realize is that being young you heal quickly. Its tough but try to be around the guys as much as you can.

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Yeah I am still gonna go to the practices and stuff, but wont be on the ice for a while, but may be back in time for the Boston tourney we're doing in early March, I should be able to go by then, unless it gets worse and Ineed surgery

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mine was titled a "dislocated patella." (and a deep bone contusion.) dont know if patella and patellar are different, but i was only out for like 3 weeks (skated no contact the 4th week.) are you doing physical therapy, or eventually going to?

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Hmm I don't know either if they are different, the paper I read said Patellar Dislocation, and the doctors said at least 4-6 weeks, but eventually I will be doing the physical therapy, I will start it as soon as i can, I can't right now even if I wanted to as my whole leg is in an immobilizer, and I am on crutches.

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one thing you should make sure to do is not rush things on your own. sometimes knee injuries will feel like they're doing better, but they really aren't, and that's how you can do serious damage.

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Yeah, that's exactly what the doctor said, luckily one of the dads is an orthopedic surgeon, he popped the bone back in place(which hurt like hell BTW) and he said it'd be at least 4-6 weeks, and after about 1 or 2, I will start to want to do things again, but i am not supposed to for the full recovery time becuase it could get worse..

Man I hate Knee injuries!!! Haven't been on crutches for more than 6 hours and I can't take it anymore!

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FlyersYouth1771 I know exactly what you're going through. Last saturday night in our game i got checked from behind and also hurt my knee pretty badly. I got xrays about 20 mins after it happened and thankfully nothing was broke but it didn't get any better this week so friday i had an MRI, i had to go in twice actually...once without an IV and the second time with an IV where they injected a fluid with this special metal composition to make the tissues and ligaments in my knee more clearly to see if any damage is done. The regular doctor that did the checkup before my MRI said that it might be a torn MCL and torn cartilage and if its in fact torn, i will need surgery...so trust me my fellow hockey friend i know what you're going through and i too am going crazy as this weekend i had to sit and watch my 16-U midget teammates destroy an 18-U midget team without my help...But it's true don't rush the recovery as it seems in a lot of cases that the knees are the first to go in contact sports...we just have to try and get through this but yeah enough of my rambling but i just had to get it out.


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haha good thing you are getting it out, the doctors said I may need an MRI depending on how bad it is, when I see the same doctor that popped the bone in place on Wednesday, but haha mik3, maybe so, but we don't have school tomorrow for the holiday, so maybe tuesday lol

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well just got bad news, i wont be skating for 8-10 weeks competitively, but 4 weeks is very very very light skating. the doctor said there is an obvious tear in the ligament, and there is a lot of blood and fluid floating around that's not supposed to be there, so i have to wear the immobilizer for about another week or two, and then i have to get a special brace for my knee that is specifically for these injuries...so my season is done, so hopefully i can come back next year stronger and better for midget...

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Well, my season is done........today in my game, I got a knee to knee hit, and turns out I dislocated the patellar bone, and I am done hockey for 6-8 weeks, may need surgery, which I will find out on Wednesday and I have a full leg mobilizer and crutches....has anyone else had this problem??? And what did you do to keep you from going insane becuase I think I am going to...

that happend to me last season it hurt like a bi*ch for like three weeks and my knee still isn't fully healed. if i were you i would give it like a year! i know that sounds like a long time but i was i hurt it when i was 14 and now i'm almost 15 andit still hasent fully healed.

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im just gonna take it easy, do the rehab, and see how fast itll heal, take it easy so i dont reinjure it, cuz if i do, then i will need surgery :(

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im just gonna take it easy, do the rehab, and see how fast itll heal, take it easy so i dont reinjure it, cuz if i do, then i will need surgery :(

It will maybe signify a increase number of post on MSH ;) .

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for me??? yeah probably, i have already been posting more it seems to me, but man....i hate not playing hockey..........it sucks so much, and it hasn't even been a week

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for me??? yeah probably, i have already been posting more it seems to me, but man....i hate not playing hockey..........it sucks so much, and it hasn't even been a week

Yeah I know, that sucks for you but you know that's the game...

Good recovery.

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Yeah, that's exactly what the doctor said, luckily one of the dads is an orthopedic surgeon, he popped the bone back in place(which hurt like hell BTW) and he said it'd be at least 4-6 weeks, and after about 1 or 2, I will start to want to do things again, but i am not supposed to for the full recovery time becuase it could get worse..

Man I hate Knee injuries!!! Haven't been on crutches for more than 6 hours and I can't take it anymore!

THat wouldn't be Doctor Mariani, would it?

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Im sorry man. I'm out for the season with a wrist and collarbone, but not surgery. I think that I'm going to go insane by the end of the year.

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Yeah me too........but it just really bites knowing that there is no NHL, and also now I can't even play hockey......hopefully rehab can go quicker than expected and I be back by the first week of March for our tournament up in Boston

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Yeah. I'm hoping that my wrist gets better and instead of having another cast just a brace. Your right, it sucks especially that there is no NHL. I don't know what I'll do!!!

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well good news for me, only a month after it happened, i may be back on the ice tonight...depending upon what the Doc says. but right now, rehab has been going well, and i feel absolutely no pain at all, so this is a very good sign

WOO HOO i cant wait to get back on the ice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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scratch that...didnt skate last night, and i am doubtful for my March tourney in Boston...............well, nothing else i can really say, but the fact that this sucks...and hopefully ill come back for tryouts stronger and faster

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