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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Patellar Dislocation

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4 month update.

Well folks, it has almost been four months since the injury occurred (Jan. 16). I am fully back playing hockey, and my travel season should be starting soon. During tryouts, I really got screwed. I thought I was going to EASILY make A, as I had great tryouts. Seems to be that someone told the coaches that I dislocated my knee, causing them not to pick me. Turns out, I am playing B for the Jr. Phantoms. But enough of that blah blah blah: occasionally, I have pains in my knee, but the doc says that's normal. I would say I am only at 93-95%, so I am still slowly regaining my speed back. I can feel no pain on the ice, but sometimes when I get home it feels a very little sore. But nothing I should really worry about. I still cannot bend my knee ALL the way back, to touch the back of my thigh, which sucks, but all in all, it's feeling really good. I am very thankful I had a good recovery, although it did take more time than I thought, but I am very thankful for the good recovery. :D

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dont worry i have a perfect knee and cant touch the back of my thigh.

these things heal with time, the longer the better. hell i had mono for 3 weeks now, feel fine, boozed lightly last weeknd went fine lol, but havent been able to play puck in a month, plus 3 since season ended and ice was taken out. its tough, but dont push urself.

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Yeah I learned not to push it. I went almost two and a half months without playing hockey. The last thing I wanna do is mess it up again. It's never going to be the same, which is what I hate the most, because now I won't be able to play to the ability I played at before the injury. Lately I've been playing over the injury in my mind way too much.

Flying down the ice, being chased by one player, one D in front, winger on the side of me. Winger comes in, hits rutt in the ice, loses balance, and goes knee to knee. I got the shot off before he hit me, but then it came, and I did a corkscrew in the air, and landed on the knee. I black out, but don't remember getting knocked out or anything. I come back, and can't move my leg. The next thing I do is all I can think of. Scream...loud. That's all I really did until the EMT's got there.

From what the people on the ice said about the sight of my knee, it was so bad that it would have made me throw up. My leg was straight, but my kneecap was pointing sideways. I knew my season, if not, career, was done right then.

It sucked so bad.

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First year Midget Minor

Let me know when you play the Firebirds, Bears or Vipers.

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Nah. Jr. Phantoms are in the NJYHL...why'd you wanna know though? You ref those games or?

Those teams are in my area

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Ahh I see, maybe I'll play them in a tournament or something, do any of them have B teams? Sadly, that's what I am on

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