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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tblade hollows

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Ok, this is my third season with t-blades and I have found that as time goes by you will go sharper and sharper. I figure it will be only a matter of time till everyone is skating on 9's. Everytime you jump up to something sharper your going to think "wow this is too sharp", then after 1-2 skates you will like them and never go back. I guess the only question is what rocker you use. I found with S i would get pushed around alot, so i switched to medium and I liked them. I'm wondering if I will like L better.

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i'm wondering about the glide issues...how can you glide with blade sharpen??If you like sharpen blade...you won't glide and if you get dull blades you will glide(but not able to turn nicelly)...

when i buy a pair of skate it feel nice...and after time it get dull and i feel that i glide more on nice..but have bad control of the ice(turning etc..)

So i don't know why some people whant to glide that much...

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i'm wondering about the glide issues...how can you glide with blade sharpen??If you like sharpen blade...you won't glide and if you get dull blades you will glide(but not able to turn nicelly)...

when i buy a pair of skate it feel nice...and after time it get dull and i feel that i glide more on nice..but have bad control of the ice(turning etc..)

So i don't know why some people whant to glide that much...

A shallow hollow will give you better glide but having good edges will allow you to cut. It's a matter of finding what is the best combination for you. Changing the radius (front to back) also makes a big difference as well.

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the guy i get my skates sharpened at says that if i want i can get my radius so that the front is sharper then back of the blade so i can glide faster skating backwards cause im a defensman

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I've done it before and I actually had JR hook up a pair of mine when I didn't have access to a good machine. I went with a 9' in the front and 11' in the back. It doesn't make them more or less sharp though, it's just the amount of rocker on the bottom.

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I used my Dad's 703's last sunday for the first time with T'Blades. I know he has a medium rocker, but I don't know what # the runners are. I found that they were not sharp enough, and my foot would almost feel like it was going to 'slide' out from under me when I was in full stride. Would these be the M13's that I was skating on? If so, how much sharper would the M11's be? Would I feel more stability and bite on the ice?

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