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Added rib protection

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I've banged up my ribs a few times recently. I'm thinking either padded shirt, or add padding to my shoulder pads to fill in the gaps. Any recommendations one way or the other?


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I’d look into a set of streamlined lacrosse rib pads. Many of them are low profile enough to toss under your shoulder pads without them disrupting your natural range of motion. 

Edited by Cavs019
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Either lacrosse pads or quarterback rib pads. Padded shirts won't help you much to protect already-injured ribs. A cheaper option that works great is slipping a padded thigh insert from an old pair of pants under a compression shirt right over the injury. That's probably even better than smaller, more contoured lacross pads because you want the pad to stay flush againt your ribs and to be large enough to really spread out the impact over the largest possible area. Thigh inserts just happen to have the perfect shape to fit nice and flush over the side of a rib cage.

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I used to wear a padded shirt instead of shoulder pads. The rib pads really annoyed me, kept getting hung up on the top of my pants.

Also, it didn't offer a ton of protection.

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I looked into modifying my shoulders with some thigh pads from an old pair of inline shorts. I didn't think it was worth it. The padding moved around too much. I ended up with a padded shirt. CCM has a base layer for refs with chest, rid & arm pads. I'm gonna give that a shot.


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11 hours ago, stick9 said:

I looked into modifying my shoulders with some thigh pads from an old pair of inline shorts. I didn't think it was worth it. The padding moved around too much. I ended up with a padded shirt. CCM has a base layer for refs with chest, rid & arm pads. I'm gonna give that a shot.


You should try just slipping them under a compression shirt, instead of attaching them to your shoulder pads.

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