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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So...I'm not sure what the difference is. It's not length adjustment because my 45's have the +1 and they're just plain 45...not "X."  XP is extra padding,  so...what's "X?"

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XP is referring to extra padding in gloves. In pants I believe the extra padding is referred to with just an X. Sometimes they include plastic inserts, but it don't know if that is marked with some other abbreviation. I think this is true, but I don't really play ice hockey at this point so maybe someone else might know better

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1 hour ago, Jbear said:

So...I'm not sure what the difference is. It's not length adjustment because my 45's have the +1 and they're just plain 45...not "X."  XP is extra padding,  so...what's "X?"

According to this post 



X = models have waist zippers to add +1

P = P models use PE inserts



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