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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey I am new around here and just wanted to say this is an awesome place. Glad I found people that have a ton of intrest in equipment. Fricken great site guys.

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The knowledge I have gained from talking to the guys on her is phenomenal! Especially seeing as I come from a relative hockey wilderness.

The mods are probably top of the game....guys like JR and Chadd.

and MDE3 knows his Roller gear like the back of his hand as well.

PS: Kovalchuk always has the best avatars! ;)

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PS: Kovalchuk always has the best avatars! ;)

Ohhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!

Anyways, welcome, this is really an awesome site!

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Side effects: Reverse drowsiness in middle of the night; Numb buttox from sitting too long; impulse equipment buying EVERYWHERE; burning, irritation of eyes; cramped finger(s)/thumb(s); And in rare cases, a line of pissed off family members waiting to get online.

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A PENGUINS ICON, YES!!! I'm from Butler, its like 20 minutes away from the 'burgh. If your from the area, what team(s) do you play for? Welcome to MSH.

I used to live in a suburb of Pittsburgh. I still go back every year and visit relatives and used to watch the penguins practice.

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A PENGUINS ICON, YES!!! I'm from Butler, its like 20 minutes away from the 'burgh.  If your from the area, what team(s) do you play for?  Welcome to MSH.

I used to live in a suburb of Pittsburgh. I still go back every year and visit relatives and used to watch the penguins practice.

Iceoplex is a nice facility.

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I saw pens pre-season camp in Southpointe last season, it was pretty awesome. Granted, it was the penguins, but it was still awesome. Fleury's first Pens camp, when they did the inter-squad scrimmages.

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A PENGUINS ICON, YES!!! I'm from Butler, its like 20 minutes away from the 'burgh.  If your from the area, what team(s) do you play for?  Welcome to MSH.

I used to live in a suburb of Pittsburgh. I still go back every year and visit relatives and used to watch the penguins practice.

Have you seen Kovalev in practice when he was with the Pens? I heard he was something to see in practice.

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A PENGUINS ICON, YES!!! I'm from Butler, its like 20 minutes away from the 'burgh.  If your from the area, what team(s) do you play for?  Welcome to MSH.

I used to live in a suburb of Pittsburgh. I still go back every year and visit relatives and used to watch the penguins practice.

Have you seen Kovalev in practice when he was with the Pens? I heard he was something to see in practice.

Nobody hits him in practice and he has a lot of space to stickhandle.

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