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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Donating Old Gear

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I’m in the process of moving and as I’m cleaning things out I’ve found some old items (skates and sticks mostly) that still have life in them and could make for good donations.  

The first question is, if I’ve got a pair of ~15 year old top end skates that are barely used but need steel - is it worth donating them or is it more cost than its worth for someone to put steel in them to make them usable?

Second question is, I’m in So Cal - Where could I donate this stuff?

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I'm also in So Cal. I'm not too sure about a good solution to your first question, but for your second one maybe you can call up a few local rinks and see if they are taking donations? Might be harder to donate stuff due do the Covid stuff, maybe?

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