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serious NHL 2005 question for PC

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so i try installing NHL 2005 for PC and the specs of my comp are:

2 ghz

256 mb RAM

NVIDIA GeZForce4 mx 420 video card

all installs wel, menu runs fine, but in game my players dont go on screen and it lags tremendously. can anyone tell me whats wrong? Do i need to buy any hardware?


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Do you have anything else running while you try to play? You may have to disable a Virus Scan or something. I know I sometimes leave MSN open while I play (NHL 2004)and it will lag if I get a message during the game.

That Hardware looks like mroe than enough to run the game.

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says 256 is minimum on requirements

If you turn all of the details down to the lowest setting, minimum "may" work. Otherwise, upgrade your RAM. It's the biggest boost you can give your PC.

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More RAM. I'd go to 756 if possible.

Cripes...that's a lot of RAM.

I've got a P3-500 with 384 RAM. The Min Req listed for NHL 2004 is P3-700 with 128 RAM. Mine runs fine, with all details 100%.

yglod11...depending on what config your machine is...I've seen DDR RAM for $110.00 Can (512 Meg). It's pretty easy to put in, but if you've never done it before you can wreck it if you do it wrong....most places that sell it install it pretty cheap.

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www.crucial.com. I would get a gig min if your going to do any gaming. Its VERY simple to do. If you can put in a plug, you can do this. Crucial will really help u step by step, on what kind to buy (with the correct latency, etc). Its great, and its good ram too

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should buy the same type of ram. i got 2 gigs of ram on my computer when i got it this summer, and it runs real nicely. i can play like 3 different games at once with out it lagging.

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well i updated my video card driver and it works now!!!

props to JAY!

Sorry, I thought you had already done that.

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