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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Tydan sells Bauer only now?

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I did the Tydan assessment and they recommended a Bauer Pulse DLC (diamond-like-carbon coating) and CagOne 35/65 profile. I checked their shop and it's all Bauer. What happened to their own steel? https://tydanblades.com/collections/player-blades

Is that any different than the Pulse steel that comes on something like a Supreme 3S Pro skate?  

Edited by rh71el2

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I imagine it has something to do with the Bauer's patent preventing Tydan from making runners for the Tuuk holder similar to what happened with Step.  Notice how Tydan runners are still available for CCM's XS holders.

Couple other aftermarket steel options available for Tuuk holders:

  1. Byonic
  2. RamonEdge
  3. Bladetech
  4. Flare
  5. XCBlade
  6. Blackedge
  7. Massive Blade


Edited by CaptainCharisma

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8 hours ago, rh71el2 said:

I did the Tydan assessment and they recommended a Bauer Pulse DLC (diamond-like-carbon coating) and CagOne 35/65 profile. I checked their shop and it's all Bauer. What happened to their own steel? https://tydanblades.com/collections/player-blades

Is that any different than the Pulse steel that comes on something like a Supreme 3S Pro skate?  

Looks like Tydan is taking LS Pulse and adding their DLC coating to it.  I myself would go Pulse TI.  As for the 35/65, I still like that profile over any ProSharp profile I have skated on.

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