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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Anyone use Warroad base layers?

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Curious to see if anyone has used Warroad base layers. Can’t seem to find anything outside of the couple generic reviews on their website. I like the idea of the grippers on the elbows and sleeves that go over the elbow pads. The cut resistant part I haven’t ever needed (knock on wood), but I guess it wouldn’t be bad to have. 




Or does anyone have recommendations for something similar or a DIY? I’ve considered trying to add silicone patches on the elbows/knees of my current base layers just to keep gear a little more locked in

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20 minutes ago, Westside said:

Curious to see if anyone has used Warroad base layers. Can’t seem to find anything outside of the couple generic reviews on their website. I like the idea of the grippers on the elbows and sleeves that go over the elbow pads. The cut resistant part I haven’t ever needed (knock on wood), but I guess it wouldn’t be bad to have. 


Or does anyone have recommendations for something similar or a DIY? I’ve considered trying to add silicone patches on the elbows/knees of my current base layers just to keep gear a little more locked in

They are nice but quite costly. CCM/Bulletin stuff is the best bang for the buck. 

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12 hours ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:

The TiLo tech is nice, but the elbow pad lock is a little tight and difficult to fit most elbows. Personally I think Shock Doctor sleeve lock does it best but loses the forearm cut resistant sleeve. 


Thanks. I found the shock doctor with the reversible sleeves at Dicks. Will give it a shot 


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On 12/21/2021 at 8:32 PM, Westside said:

Curious to see if anyone has used Warroad base layers.

Hockeytown U.S.A.  How did I know I'd see a pic of Oshie when I clicked on that link?

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