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Pro players' glove usage

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I'm curious, how many pairs of gloves do players go through at the professional level? How many players rotate two or more pairs of gloves at a time?

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All depends on the player, some will go through new gloves regularly and others, like Marchand, will seemingly wear the same pair for years no matter how destroyed they are.  From what I've noticed, many players have at least 2 pairs they rotate through between periods.

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27 minutes ago, xstartxtodayx said:

All depends on the player, some will go through new gloves regularly and others, like Marchand, will seemingly wear the same pair for years no matter how destroyed they are.  From what I've noticed, many players have at least 2 pairs they rotate through between periods.

I love those pics of Marchand with giant holes in his gloves, then reading online about adult league players who need a new pair of gloves every time they get a half centimeter hole somewhere in the glove. 

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