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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dead man denounces NHL

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The way these morons are going it may be the last fan they have.

I have been into hockey since 1980. I have been a complete puck head ever since. That being said I have lost complete respect for the NHL. When will they wake up and see they are NOT the NFL, NOT the NBA and NOT even MLB.

Hello jerks no one outside Canada gives a rats ass if you are not playing! You are going to kill this sports once and for all.

Thanks alot Gary B. Youve done one hell of a job.

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The way these morons are going it may be the last fan they have.

I have been into hockey since 1980. I have been a complete puck head ever since. That being said I have lost complete respect for the NHL. When will they wake up and see they are NOT the NFL, NOT the NBA and NOT even MLB.

Hello jerks no one outside Canada gives a rats ass if you are not playing! You are going to kill this sports once and for all.

Thanks alot Gary B. Youve done one hell of a job.

i second that, cept for the part about being a fan since 1980 cause i wasnt born yet :P.

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When will they wake up and see they are NOT the NFL, NOT the NBA and NOT even MLB.

...Or college football and basketball for that matter.

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