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HP45 vs FT4 Pro

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Because I'm a mark I've been scouring the internet to get a pair of HP45s having heard theyre the second coming of christ. With the FT4 pros on 'discount' Im curious to people with more experience how different the pants are? I know the pro version come with laces v. the velcro enclosure and I can imagine the velcro can become a nucance but I'm also just speculating. Any feedback is helpful. 

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I haven't seen the FT4 Pro, but I have the FT6 Pro so... maybe it is a close comparison?

Besides the lighter weight on the FT6 Pro, I really see no reason to wear them compared to my HP UCLP and HP45. The retail ones are lacking padding in a few spots compared to the pro stock pants and the weight savings isn't significant enough to me.

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I'm using both...retail FT4 Pro and pro stock HP45.  The FT4 Pro is significantly lighter and even more significantly less bulky while being highly protective. I'm a fan of both, and the HP45 is definitely more ruggedly built.  I do like how close to the body the Jetspeed fits.  Interestingly, I find the FT4 Pro much more protective than the Super Tacks (mine are pro stock).  Both are up there at the top for me.  Also really dig the Warrior QRL, which falls in between in term of bulk.  I have two artificial hips, so I do not F around with regard to pants.

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