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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Laces

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I know Graf makes the best laces... period. But, I'm having a very difficult time finding any in black in my size (96"). So, I want to know what is the best waxed laces other than Graf that would be easy to find/get.

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I love Sonic laces, they have a pressed tip so that they never fray. Also, they are a very heavy lace. They are by far the best laces I have ever used. I don't think they make waxed, I know I saw them in black on HockeyGiant but my LHS doesn't carry black.

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Rightguard, like the deodorant? You mean ProGuard? They do have sonic tips, but their laces are way too thick.

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Rightguard, like the deodorant? You mean ProGuard? They do have sonic tips, but their laces are way too thick.

haha sorry about that, I just got up like 5 min ago.

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I know Graf makes the best laces... period. But, I'm having a very difficult time finding any in black in my size (96"). So, I want to know what is the best waxed laces other than Graf that would be easy to find/get.

For what its worth, hockeymonkey.com has graf laces in your size. It doesn't say graf on the page, but that is all they sell.

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I was in there store yesterday and for waxed laces the only brand they had were graf. I bought a couple pair of them.

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Well I asked ljack to pick me some Graf laces up a week or so ago, but he never got around to it. I might just get them from HockeyMonkey or have you pick them up for me from Hawk Hockey.

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