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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Trouble with quad 0 profile

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Hey I’m just looking for advice on the quad zero profile.

I was using ccm rbz size 8 skates with 272 runners for the last 9 years and I looked and realized that they have a banana blade with a lot of heel shaved off. I needed new skates so got supreme m5 pro skates (size 8.5 272 runners) 

I decided to get them profiled to a quad zero with a 5/8 hollow and I find that I get good glide and straight line speed and even turning is nice with them but when I start to cross over I feel very slow and I don’t get going like I normally would. 

I’m a good skater and I’m just looking for suggestions on what I should do. Wondering if maybe a 10’ profile would be able to closer match the banana blade that was on my old skate which had a lot of heel taken out. Thanks.

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How many times have you skated in them? Profiles generally don't work instantly and you have to get used to them before it becomes immediately comfortable.

You also went with a neutral holder (CCM) to a more aggressive holder in Bauer unless you had the profile made to adjust with that.

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1 hour ago, Hills said:

How many times have you skated in them? Profiles generally don't work instantly and you have to get used to them before it becomes immediately comfortable.

You also went with a neutral holder (CCM) to a more aggressive holder in Bauer unless you had the profile made to adjust with that.

I’ve skated in them for 2 hours now (2- 1hr sessions) 

I’m also wondering if I should give them more time it just seems weird how hard it is to do cross overs but maybe that’s just part of the adjustment period as well. I like the aggressive feel of the holders and how forward my toe feels but it just seems like the heel is very flat 

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New skates, new steel, new profile.  That's a lot of new coming from what was old.  I tell customers they really need to get 8-10 hours of ice time on new skates.  After that issues identified can be addressed.

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On 8/24/2024 at 4:35 PM, Connorbrown08 said:

I’ve skated in them for 2 hours now (2- 1hr sessions) 

I’m also wondering if I should give them more time it just seems weird how hard it is to do cross overs but maybe that’s just part of the adjustment period as well. I like the aggressive feel of the holders and how forward my toe feels but it just seems like the heel is very flat 

It took me 2 skates to stop falling on my face going from a stock to a Quad 1 on backwards transitions. I'd say stick with it and keep seeing if you can adjust to it first.

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A banana blade would definitely be shorter of a radius than 10' imo.  Since youre in New skates steel and profile id give it a lot more ice times. Maybe 12 hours to really get a feel for everything. 

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2 hours ago, Hills said:

It took me 2 skates to stop falling on my face going from a stock to a Quad 1 on backwards transitions. I'd say stick with it and keep seeing if you can adjust to it first.

Did you stay on quad? What hollow do you use? I had 5/8 but I think I’m going to try 3/4.

Thanks for all the responses. 

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Yeah, I stuck with the Quad 1 for me. My hollow changes based on the time of year and steel I am using but I didn't deviate off of what I used previously.

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