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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dirty Equipment

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Soo...my 2 year old Bauer 5000 elbow pads gave me ringworm on my arm. Has anything like this happend to anyone else? and any advice on how to clean the pads?

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I would toss them to.

You could try freezing them and cleaning them really well but I wouldn't want infected pads in my freezer.

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Guest phillyfan

I've had two similar incidents, but nothing leading to ring-worm. Some rashes and infections, but no ring-worm. For my old shin pads that led to infection on cuts and scrapes, I took it to a cleaner and sanitizer place, something like those esporta machines and it fixed the problem. Also had gloves that left rashes, and ended up just tossing them. But to follow up on the users comments regarding freezing them, I remember reading somewhere, maybe here or the old forum, that you can put equipment in a freezer-bag, and spray it with fabreeze thenext morning if you have a freezer big enough.

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Just curious, do you wear Underarmour, or any other type of shirt?

Sleeveless Nike Dri-fit shirt I dont like sleeves with my pads. I would get new ones but I was just forced to buy new pants and shoulder pads to replace somethings so I dont have the money. Im pretty sure Im gonna get the new Mission stuff when it comes out though

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A kid I played hockey with got it from his friend who wrestled. The kid was so crazy, he dumped bleach on his arm to kill it, and it actually worked.

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A kid I played hockey with got it from his friend who wrestled. The kid was so crazy, he dumped bleach on his arm to kill it, and it actually worked.

works with athletes foot too. I havnt had that though.

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Kid in my school had it from wrestling. Right on the side of his head. Pretty gross.

Same with me, kid i play lax with got it from wrestling on his head. Another kid on the wrestling team got herpes on his back. We also had to adopt a boston terrier that had it, it was disgusting, had to take so many pills and you'd have to wash your hands after playing with it every time, now the dogs cool. Can't say i've heard of someone getting it from pads though, that sucks.

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