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Smaller visor for a narrow head?

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Hi guys! 

wierd title huh? 
At the moment i do not play any moore, only coaching my sons U12 team for now, but the club i coach for are in desperate need for referees, so, i am going to start reffing U13 and U14 hockey..

Thing is, in Sweden the ref is required to wear a visor, and i dont have any since i sold my old Itech hs22 and my Warrior visor was all scratched up..

iv’e tried a bunch of visors in the past, but they all keep pulling the sides of my helmet outwards. I have no problems finding a helmet that fit, but they all loose the ”fit” once a visor is mounted. 

iv’e tried using the Bauer spacers which are thicker on the lower side, but the sides of the helmet is pulled outwards anyway..

so, is there any visors on the market that have a tighter/narrower fit than others? Or am i doomed to have a helmet that wobbles on my head while reffing??

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Assuming you can't find a visor that fits more narrow...

Its not out of the question that you could heat the sides of the visor and bend it in, but I'd be worried about changing the optics.  Of course, you could just tip the visor up so that you're not actually looking through it.

Is there some reason you can't add more spacers to the sides and use longer screws?


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Just use some nylon washers to build on the spacers to reduce the gap. Also if your wear a Sr helmet, ccm visors come with spacers that fit almost perfect and result in little to no pulling of the helmet temples. 

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Iv’e tried a bunch of different visors and spacers, but all visors are pulling the sides of the helmet outwards. 
I have a set of the CCM spacers which are tapered in one end, and i have a set of bauer spacers that have a similar shape, but thicker and shaped a little more square/blocky.. None of the spacers have worked for me. 

i guess i have to try and add a few nylon washers and longer screws.


Edited by swede

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