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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lace bite?

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I know this is kinda stupid but I've heard of it but I don't know exactly what it is. Can someone explain to me what it is? Is it just pain because you laces are too tight or what? :blink:

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it's when your laces create uneven pressure on the top of your foot leading to what basically feels like a bruise. that's why skates like XX's have a special lacebite protector built into the tongue

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it's when your laces create uneven pressure on the top of your foot leading to what basically feels like a bruise. that's why skates like XX's have a special lacebite protector built into the tongue

...that doesn't do anything to prevent it.

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i thought lace bite was when u get small cuts in ur hand from tieing your skates. almost like a rope burn...

yeah i have wax laces and i have nasty red stripes on my fingers, that hurts sometimes

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i thought lace bite was when u get small cuts in ur hand from tieing your skates. almost like a rope burn...


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Does anyone have any good remedy? I heard that the Maltese lace bite gel packs were pretty good, anyone used them?

I've suggested gel pads, like the Maltese to several people and it has helped them. Taking some time off yourskates will help as well, but it will come back if your current skates are causing the problem.

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I've used the low tech solution of loosening the laces over the area of my foot that is experiencing the pain. The pain is usually localized enough that I only need to loosen the laces between one or two sets of eyelets. My skate still fits tight and doesn't have any slop, but is looser where it counts.

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I feel that if you dont have enough experince with tying your skates that the gel packs really help and i would recomened them to any rookie skate tightner.

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theres something ive seen at another shop its called bunga pad, thats real nice. its very soft feeling and they have some stuff that really fits over your foot or your tongue. i think lace bite is created when a skate is either to deep for your foot meaing the laces have more room to go ontop of your feet its not deep enough meaning your foot juts out of the skate and your tongue is raised above the eyelots and your trying to lower it. but bunga pad i think works great

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theres something ive seen at another shop its called bunga pad, thats real nice. its very soft feeling and they have some stuff that really fits over your foot or your tongue. i think lace bite is created when a skate is either to deep for your foot meaing the laces have more room to go ontop of your feet its not deep enough meaning your foot juts out of the skate and your tongue is raised above the eyelots and your trying to lower it. but bunga pad i think works great

Other factors are required as well because I always have those problems with skates and never had lace bite. You have to lace them very tightly and the boot has to be very stiff and not have any "give".

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Where can you get the maltese gel pads and the Bunga pads? I checked hockeygiant but they don't have those; are they usually available in hockey shops or do you have to order them online?

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Where can you get the maltese gel pads and the Bunga pads? I checked hockeygiant but they don't have those; are they usually available in hockey shops or do you have to order them online?

Go to Home Depot and get some 1" neoprene pipe insulation (about $5 for a 6 foot piece). Tear off a piece long enough to cover the trouble spot & put it under your sock. Lace up normally and enjoy hours of pain free skating.

Of all the things I've tried this worked best and is the cheapest.

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Where can you get the maltese gel pads and the Bunga pads?  I checked hockeygiant but they don't have those; are they usually available in hockey shops or do you have to order them online?

Here's one called API you can order online.


Most useless product ever. I ordered a pair & sent 'em right back. Total junk.

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