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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Quote from Brooks Column

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"People talk about the problem being Gary and Bob [Goodenow]. It's not Bob. It's Gary. He doesn't have the respect of the players in this league. You should hear how players talk to each other about him. It isn't right to have so little respect for your commissioner, but that's the situation we're in. Look at what's happened to the game with him in charge. Look where we are. There's no reason to have any faith that the league will succeed under his vision.

Now..granted I'm tired of Brooks playing the Fox News Channel for the Union..but since as Linden has said, many of those who are in this lockout weren't in the previous one, and the avg salary now being 1.8million dollars..the look what has happened to the game comment really bothers me...it took both groups to put them in this position..

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Well, what's happened to the NHL with Bob running the NHLPA?

I mean, the NHLPA OKd all of the expansion into the non-traditional hockey markets that the NHLPA is now saying was a huge mistake.

Bettman has made mistakes that have hurt the NHL.

However, Goodenow has made just as many decisions that have seriously hurt the NHL, IMO.

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