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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toronto Hockey Show

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After a grueling 12 hr trip in the "Blizzard of 05", maxing out at 40mph, we made it to the show about noon on Sunday. While there was quite a few new products, nothing jumped out to me as product of the year. I really liked the Reebock skates, the helmet, their goal pants and top of the line goal pad. The Vector Pro and 6.0 gloves were nice too.

For Bauer, the new aluminum lined and rubber protected stick was very nice. Felt good too. Was told it will perform like the XX and retail for about the same.

I liked the new line of Mission skates and the Hex 1.

Itech redesigned it's whole protective line. Looks better anyway.

TPS, nothing exciting.

I didn't even go in the Easton booth. Easton sucks.

Quite a few new makers of gloves, Fury and Salming to name a couple.

After I get a chance to review all the catalogs and propaganda, I may be able to expound. Way too much stuff to absorb in 2 days.

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After I get a chance to review all the catalogs and propaganda, I may be able to expound. Way too much stuff to absorb in 2 days.

It's okay. I'll have it done in a week.

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After a grueling 12 hr trip in the "Blizzard of 05", maxing out at 40mph, we made it to the show about noon on Sunday. While there was quite a few new products, nothing jumped out to me as product of the year. I really liked the Reebock skates, the helmet, their goal pants and top of the line goal pad. The Vector Pro and 6.0 gloves were nice too.

For Bauer, the new aluminum lined and rubber protected stick was very nice. Felt good too. Was told it will perform like the XX and retail for about the same.

I liked the new line of Mission skates and the Hex 1.

Itech redesigned it's whole protective line. Looks better anyway.

TPS, nothing exciting.

I didn't even go in the Easton booth. Easton sucks.

Quite a few new makers of gloves, Fury and Salming to name a couple.

After I get a chance to review all the catalogs and propaganda, I may be able to expound. Way too much stuff to absorb in 2 days.

Sounds like my trip home from Toronto last year.

The L's are a nice line of skates. Now if I can just get Mission to make a goal skate, life would be easier for me.

The new Itech is nice, the shoulders and shins are really nice but I'm not a fan of any of the elbows. Their mid-line goal stuff was really nice for the price as well.

The fury gloves are nice, we've sold a bunch of them. They're finally coming out with some new models and sizes for '05.

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The fury gloves are nice, we've sold a bunch of them. They're finally coming out with some new models and sizes for '05.

Have you sold any of the 10 inch gloves that cost $77 :o


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Earlier this year I had a pair of Graf 735s that ruined my feet. After that, (stubborn that I am) I ordered a pair of G-35s in a perfect size having learned a hard sizing lesson from the 735s. The G-35's carbon outersole were not cut at all, except at the toe and heel. I baked them and waited 24 hrs. The lining, while promising out of the box, folded into a deep crease that gave me a wicked blister. After getting the blister I sent them back. Truely unimpressed and disgusted with Graf and the G-35.

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The fury gloves are nice, we've sold a bunch of them. They're finally coming out with some new models and sizes for '05.

Have you sold any of the 10 inch gloves that cost $77 :o


We only picked up the 244 and 2004 last year as those were the only options they had. They have changed the numbering since then so I'm not sure what the models are called this year. The gloves are nice but I've only sold 4 or 5 pair.

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For what it's worth, I just looked and I didn't see Graf on the list for the Vegas show.

graf is done, look on ebay and there the most sold almost new pair out there, people se a problem like there aligned wrong and graf won't help so they dump em... look, new or almost new, you rarely see vector pros or others on there, sad situation...

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