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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sizing between conpanies.

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I am trying to get what Bauer Vapor skate size I would fit into. I am now in a CCM Exreno E 50 size 9E.

There are no other shops in my area to try skates on and I work at the only rink in town and we currently do not stock Bauer skates. The Bauer rep wasn't able to help in cross referencing from ny CCM size. He said that if I had wide feet that i should probably be in the 8090 skate.

It seems like all the manufacturers have differnet skate sizing devices that you need to buy in order to size customers for their brab=nd of skates if you don't have their size in stock. Easton has the Braddock device for their skates and we saw the CCM rep yesterday and they have a digital device for CCM, Vector and RBK skates.

Can anyone help? You think I could fit into a Vapor XXX in size 9EE?

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I looked at that chart and it is good for a general rule, b.ut I also had skated in Buaer 4000's a few years ago and wore a size 9E. The problem i am having is that Vapor skates are desined differently from when I skated in Bauer's.

Now that chart says I should be ina 9.5 Bauer and what concerns me is the width since the Bauer Rep said the LASTS that Bauer uses had changed since I skated in my 4000's. I can use my employee discount to buy the skates but would have to seel them if they are the wrong size and would use up my one chance at the discount price.

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Or you could wait for some of the skates to come in and try them on. If the E in the Externo fit properly, I see no way the Vapor EE will fit properly.

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Thanks for the input. We wont be getting Bauer skates in for awhile so I can't try them on for size. I always respect JR's opinions and was wondering why he wouldn't switch from Externo's to Vapor's?

I am looking for a lighter skate. We do not yet have an account with CCM but saw the rep yesterday and would stay with a Pro Tack or Pro Vector if and whenever we can get the deal done. I would qualify for the Employees discount if we did and that was why I was asking about Vapors as we already have an account with them. We also have an account with Easton and I could get the discount on Synergy 1300, 1100 or 900 skates, but not sure I want to go with Easton in skates

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