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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How have they gone/are they going for you all? I'm still surprised, this has been my easiest set of finals ever. One more tomorrow, AP Gov, which should be a joke, seeing as the teacher is.

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So far ive written my Geography,Biology and Wood working final. They've been super easy! But I know my math wont be so easy.

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Well I am in Mid-terms right now...wow...could be a lot better, turns out I failed my Algebra 1 mid-term...but that's what happens when the teacher sucks...he tells us stuff and expects us to know it all right away...

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Mine were before X-mas break

Poly Sci- Average, would've like to have done better

Psych - Easy, but put in alot of effort

Communication - Common sense test, and apperantly my sense was worth 75%

Sociology - 65% I hate this damn Feminist in disguise class. Teacher said "Even after a bell curve a large number of student still failed".

Anthropology - Did very well actually.

I wrote Anthropology, Communication and Poly sci all in under 20 hours.

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I just finished writing my grade 12 diplomas. I'm not sure if every province in Canada does diplomas, but I thought that they were a lot easier than I thought they'd be. Anyone else in grade 12 here think the same? I wrote chem, math, physics and then spanish. I don't get my marks for a few weeks here, but I'm feeling pretty good about how I did on them.

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Well I am in Mid-terms right now...wow...could be a lot better, turns out I failed my Algebra 1 mid-term...but that's what happens when the teacher sucks...he tells us stuff and expects us to know it all right away...

You have no idea. Our teacher doesnt even teach us(well he thinks he does), and then he tells us we have to do so many pages in the book, and we have a test the following day. I hate Algebra.

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Well I am in Mid-terms right now...wow...could be a lot better, turns out I failed my Algebra 1 mid-term...but that's what happens when the teacher sucks...he tells us stuff and expects us to know it all right away...

You have no idea. Our teacher doesnt even teach us(well he thinks he does), and then he tells us we have to do so many pages in the book, and we have a test the following day. I hate Algebra.

Ouch...that hurts...but my teacher...his teaching is the ONLY reason I got D's both marking periods, and an F on the mid-term, never gotten anything higher than an 87 on a test or quiz, everything else was a D or F...my parents yell at me constantly, but it's not my fault....even when I go for help, it's the same crap

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Ouch...that hurts...but my teacher...his teaching is the ONLY reason I got D's both marking periods, and an F on the mid-term, never gotten anything higher than an 87 on a test or quiz, everything else was a D or F...my parents yell at me constantly, but it's not my fault....even when I go for help, it's the same crap

I hear you, the only reason I'm passing is cause i sit around my friends who are pretty smart and get MOST of the stuff. Im prolly averaging a 75 for tests. When I got for help, he tries to explain it, but im like buddy, u dont understand, I dont get the way ur teaching us, and he tries to teach me it the same was as before. Ugh, the thought of Algebra next year isnt good.

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I took my Accounting final today. It was easy as hell because the teacher let us use 1 notecard with our notes handwritten on them. Of course the lazy child i am, typed my notes in size 6 font, and printed them out to maximize the amount of notes i could put on.

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I have history on Friday, Math on Tuesday and English on Wednesday, all Grade 10. I should do fine on the history and math but I'm not sure about the English, since we barely learned anything all year.

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Stix and Flyers - You need to find a way around the way your teacher is teaching. Either take the book home and read them until you get them or else look for an outside tutor. You cannot allow a teacher to be the excuse, I know, its sounds crappy, and I've gone through it, but it is the truth. I've gone through some of the worst, A Physics teacher gave me 50% on my final project (20% of final mark) because I was 2 minutes and 30 seconds under the limit she deemed acceptable and it was because my clock was different than hers and she wouldn't let me do it over. She also cost me 40% on the actual final exam because SHE told ME the wrong formula for my "Exam aid". You will encounter these people throughout your academic careers; you must overcome, they cannot be an excuse for a bad mark.

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I just finished writing my grade 12 diplomas. I'm not sure if every province in Canada does diplomas, but I thought that they were a lot easier than I thought they'd be. Anyone else in grade 12 here think the same? I wrote chem, math, physics and then spanish. I don't get my marks for a few weeks here, but I'm feeling pretty good about how I did on them.

i only had math and english. english was so easy, but i thought math was brutal.

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In college I had a math prof who didn't speak English well and if he couldn't pronounce a word would say it on Korean. I distinctly recall him saying "Nobody passed the last test and it seems that you are having problems grasping the material. Oh well, we move on." I got up, walked out and dropped the class. The last 10 people to have the same idea were not permitted to drop the class, and they would not remove him as an instructor.

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Ouch...that hurts...but my teacher...his teaching is the ONLY reason I got D's both marking periods, and an F on the mid-term, never gotten anything higher than an 87 on a test or quiz, everything else was a D or F...my parents yell at me constantly, but it's not my fault....even when I go for help, it's the same crap

I hear you, the only reason I'm passing is cause i sit around my friends who are pretty smart and get MOST of the stuff. Im prolly averaging a 75 for tests. When I got for help, he tries to explain it, but im like buddy, u dont understand, I dont get the way ur teaching us, and he tries to teach me it the same was as before. Ugh, the thought of Algebra next year isnt good.

a 75? Hell, thats a lot better than me, my highest grade was an 86, and that happened three times out of about 12 quizzes/tests. everything else was either a low D or an F, I mean my mid-term was a freakin 46!!!

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Ouch...that hurts...but my teacher...his teaching is the ONLY reason I got D's both marking periods, and an F on the mid-term, never gotten anything higher than an 87 on a test or quiz, everything else was a D or F...my parents yell at me constantly, but it's not my fault....even when I go for help, it's the same crap

I hear you, the only reason I'm passing is cause i sit around my friends who are pretty smart and get MOST of the stuff. Im prolly averaging a 75 for tests. When I got for help, he tries to explain it, but im like buddy, u dont understand, I dont get the way ur teaching us, and he tries to teach me it the same was as before. Ugh, the thought of Algebra next year isnt good.

a 75? Hell, thats a lot better than me, my highest grade was an 86, and that happened three times out of about 12 quizzes/tests. everything else was either a low D or an F, I mean my mid-term was a freakin 46!!!

Then look to other sources for help. No matter how bad the teacher is, you have to accept at least some of the responsibility. Look for a tutor or someone who can help you "get" the info.

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