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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey after highschool

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i am not attending a college with hockey next year and this will be my final time playing hockey after highschool if i cannot find a league to play in i live in the rhode island area and all the local adult leagues are lame and its a bunch of sucky drunks does anybody know of any leagues that are somewhat competitive

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I'm in a similar situation and the league I was hoping to join (last week) couldn't get ice because the new arena they were hoping to get had a delayed opening. Try looking for some intermural ice hockey at your school. My University offers it, but I have class, hopefully you have better luck than I did. also try and look for a Juvenille league if you can't find anywhere.

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I know there are at least a couple of adult elite travel leagues with teams on the east coast.

Yeah like a seinor "A" league, unless your still too young?

Senior 'A' is full of Ex-NHLers and Ex-OHLers. I think it's a little higher calibre than he's looking for. Plus you have to be over the junior age to play (which I believe will be '84 next year).

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i am not attending a college with hockey next year and this will be my final time playing hockey after highschool if i cannot find a league to play in

I'm assuming this means juniors isn't an option for you...

I don't know what to tell you - I've never found myself in your situation, nor do I envy you for being in it. All I can really say is that I am sure you will figure something out; you have to, right?

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hey man, go to the mount st. charles arena. i played hs hockey there and they have a awesome adault league that plays there. high level players, none of the drunks and shit. all the guys there are there to play not to drink. it is a great legaue. some of the hs players will play from time to time as well as some of the kids that didnt go onto college from mount and just wanna still play. look into it i think you will like it.

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