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Kovalev Custom RH blade

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I recently acquired a Kovalev pro Easton blade. Problem is I"m RH and i played with it for a bit and thought it was really nice the lie, rocker and the curve especially. I'm thinkin about sending it somewhere to get a custom mirrored version of the blade. Anybody know if they do that and if so what the minimum and which company makes the best wood blades?

I only say wood because i assume Bauer or whoever doesn't make custom graphites.

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Sherwood makes custom graphite. TPS or Bauer would be my pick for custom blades (assuming Bauer does make them).

How did you manage to use a LH curve when your RH?

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I know of some people that have used sherwood. You have to go through and LHS, I think the minimum is around a dozen, Im not exactly sure. I dont know if they'd be able to mirror the curve for you. Try going to your LHS and ask them.

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I didn't use it in a game. I just used it in warmups. Its a pretty long blade. But the rockering is really good for stickhandling because you always have a good amount of th blade on the ice. As oppose to a flat blade where if you were turning and only had your heel on the ice, most of your blade is not on the ice. Hope that made sense.

The curve would also have to rival that of kovalchuk. It starts at the heel and its definitely illegal.

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is there anywhere to get kovalev pro stock RH? I found it on one website but i almost guarantee that when you order it you will find out later that it is out of stock

am i going to have to buy a normal one with the fancy graphocs and stuff just so i can get a kovalev one?

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I have a easton pro return. It seems to have a bigger curve than the inno shown. But the profile of the inno and easton are exactly the same i believe.

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I have both a pro Kovalev Innovative, and Easton curve.

The Easton curve is more like his retail Innovative curve.

The Innovative curve looks like its curved twice though. Once a small heel curve, then a pretty big toe curve. They are both pretty long blades.

Also how would you get a pro stock RH Kovalev curve? Why would they be made if he is LH?

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The Innovative curve looks like its curved twice though. Once a small heel curve, then a pretty big toe curve. They are both pretty long blades.

Yea it s curved twice. I had a tapered one. ANd yes, it is a very long blade compared to my other sticks at least.

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I'll probably go to the proshop to see how much it'll cost and who has the lowest minimum order. I guess i'll let everybody knw what happens.

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maybe we could get who ever wants a couple to help you with the buy in i know i would take 2-3. maybe we could get a mod to announce it if it would be ok.

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Yeah...what i wanna do is have Sherwood or Bauer make a exact mirrored version of the blade. I'm goin to just ask if they can just take the profile of the blade and use the specs of the curve to make a righty.

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Guys....i got the quote from SherWood. The price is 29.99 Canadian per blade or $25 American per blade. These will be RH blades made from the mold of the Kovalev LH blade. So it'll be an exact mirror image. The minimum order is 12. My question is are there any people on this board that are interested in buying 1 or 2. I don't really see myself goin through 12 blades.

Another problem i was wondering if anybody can help me out with. Are there anybody on this board, Kovy or another member that has a Kovalev blade they broke at the hosel and dont' need? In turn i can sell you my zcarbon Kovy blade because sherwood will keep the blade if i send it to them. I don't want to send them a perfectly new blade for them to keep.

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Guys....i got the quote from SherWood. The price is 29.99 Canadian per blade or $25 American per blade.

Which blade did they quote you on?

Anybody notice that SherWood has updated their website and are offering tapered Axion blades in 2005?

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Vash-check your PMs.

Also, I dont think the curve is illegal. I have the Inno version, and its fairly straight. It does have a toe curve, but what makes it LOOK illegal is that it has a nasty flip in the toe to lift shots. Thats how Kovalev shoots, he turns his wrists over bigtime and lets it loose right off the toe. The extra flip in the toe gives the shot nasty loft. As far as lie, its really hard to tell because its very round and rockered. Not squared and easy to measure. Id say its pretty high though. Maybe a 6. Kovalev is pretty straight up when hes skating and stickhandling. Lowest maybe a 5.5.

If anyone wants pics let me know. Id be happy to send pics to anyone if they are interested in buying this deal Vash is putting together. Just PM me and Ill get them togther.

Words of advice....this blade is EXTREMELY LONG. Due to its length, it is not the lightest blade either. I have the PRO Inno one. It is not easy to get used to. Also, the hosel is very long. It is longer than any retail Inno or Easton blades I use. What this does is that it screws up your shaft length. Everyone has their shafts cut to where their normal blades line up. Well this long hosel will add al least 1/2" to 1" more to your overall shaft length. This fact totally screwed up my shooting and stickhandling. I had to put the blade into an old shaft that was cut really short. Then it was ok.

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