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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Punching out a toe cap?

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Is it possible to punch out a plastic toe cap? My LHS said they won't do it because the toe cap would crack or it would expand but not hold the shape nomatter how long they're left on the machine.

What can I do?


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What part of the cap? I've punched out the edge of a cap, either on the side or on the top part, but if it's more the cap itself and not just an edge that's digging into your foot... you could be SOL.

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It can be done. Find out if your LHS has a boot punch press. Have them heat up the edges of the toe cap slightly, using a heat gun (about 20-30 seconds each side, on low heat). Then have them put the boot on the press and punch a little pocket right at the edges of the toe cap. I just did that for a guy the other day, worked like a charm. It might, over time, come back to its original shape, but using heat will reduce those chances.

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