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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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'Canadien' OPS?

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Hey Hockey Gurus.....

Being new here, I am amazed at the knowledge I have seen displayed. Maybe someone here can accept this challenge: Here is an eBay OPS I have not seen before. Out of curiousity, has anyone else seen these?


The eBay seller describes it as being made by 'The Hockey Company', which is CCM, and he/she says it is exactly the same as his/her Vector OPS.

I used to use Canadien sticks all the time, many years ago, but have not seen any around lately. I can't seem to find the 'Canadien' company on the 'net either.

<<note: what does the 'kp' in flex refer to?>>

If you have seen/used this stick I am curious as to what it is like. I have never used an OPS, and just getting back into the game I find learning about the different makes/models quite interesting. My son thinks I know everything about hockey sticks now, but I don't tell him how I know. Our secret.

Also, if you know what happened to the 'Canadien' line of equipment, I would be interested in knowing that too......I once had a great pair of Canadien gloves....



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THC labels flexes with 'KP' on koho and now reebok. Flexes on those sticks can be compared to easton by multiplying them by 2.

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hehe.....the Walmart OPS.......

$90 CDN, and it sold for $80 US (shipping included).....looks like it sold for just the right price then.

Thanks EricG for the flex information.

Now, does anyone know what happened to Candien equipment? Swallowed up and no longer put out by THC perhaps?

I'm telling you, that was good stuff to have in the late 70's.....



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Doesn't legend custom blades use the canadien brand name?

There's Canadien (CCM I guess) and Canadian (which I'd assume is Legend) if you search around on those names you'll find which belongs to what company. It's basically a Wal-mart OPS like you said. You'd be better off getting an OPS on sale like the Xn10, M-1 or even the regular response and Franklin Sceptor.

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