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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Red Lite XN10 vs. Mission M-2

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Hi guys,

Which is the better shaft the TPS Red Lite XN10 or the Mission M-2. I can get both for $90 its just a matter of which one is going to be the better shaft. Durability, weight, and shooting are my primary concerns. I appreciate the input.

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It should be PP here's the lone review on the M-2


The Redlie XN10 is a little scarce right now, not many have had the oppurtunity to test it out.

I'd go for the RL Xn10, because I think it'll be bit better performing (going with the OPS comparison of the two) and if you don't like it I'm sure it'd be fairly easy to unload on here so you could then try another stick.

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I'm not going to be able to use a wood blade, because I play inline. If I didn't think I'd go through it like butter I'd put one in.

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I sold one yesterday...guy put in a wood blade...its' NICE...

Redlite XN10 or M-2?

On a side note, I picked up a M-2 and put in a Z-carb. Only used it for one roller game, but so far I like it. I'll form a better opinion when I use it more.

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Well I just purchased a TPS Red Lite XN10 whip flex today. I also bought a bunch of other equipment stuff so needless to say I'm pretty excited about getting it. I let you guys know what I think of it after I've gotten in some skates with it.

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